Did you discover a new favourite cuisine this year? Become a regular at a local restaurant? Obsess over a particular dish? Check your inbox to find out how your OpenTable Year of Dining 2018 looked — we’re sending out wrap-ups to diners who subscribe to our emails! We’ve rounded up a few fun stats to whet your appetite. Read on and start booking for 2019 to make your choices count in next year’s review.

OpenTable diners made a whopping five reservations every second. That’s more than 400,000 bookings in a single day. To put that into perspective, imagine if every person who passed through New York City’s famed Times Square on a busy day made a reservation on OpenTable.¹

In a nod to carb lovers everywhere, Italian fare proved the most popular among OpenTable diners. And with so many top Italian restaurants on OpenTable, from London’s Bocca di Lupo to Maialino in New York, we can’t say we’re surprised.
Dishing on a dish…
OpenTable diners write more than 1 million verified reviews a month. So, what are they talking about? This year, it was fish and chips. Food trends come and go but we still can’t get enough of this classic British dish! Speaking of reviews, 3,197 diners called their dining experience the “best ever”.

When it comes to celebrating and treating your loved ones right, you nailed it. The hottest days for dining out in 2018 were New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day. And, the biggest booking days for all these occasions were often the day before — OpenTable isn’t just great for planners, we’ve got all you procrastinators covered too.
The gang’s all here.
The more, the merrier when it comes to gathering around the table for family-centric holidays. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Easter were the moments when the average party size increased more than 15%. Way to show up for the folks that matter most to you!
How did your stats stack up? Tell us here or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #OpenTable365. And for even more delicious stats, remember to check your inbox for our email.
¹ https://www.timessquarenyc.org/do-business/market-research-data/pedestrian-counts