1. Minimum charge for NT$300 per guest2. Dining limit for 1.5 hours3. All seats are secured for 10 minutes of tardy4. A notice in advance is appreciated if there is any food allergic5. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance6. All outside food and beverages are not allowed7. Payment: Cash, Credit card, Apple Pay
☁️2/26起,訂位資訊將從「簡訊」改至「LINE」通知[![Alt Text](https://i.imgur.com/avPID7j.jpg "Image Title (optional)")](https://inline.app/order/-L36k4RLcQz0pL4FOIT7:inline-live-woosa/-L36k4RLcQz0pL4FOIT8 "Link Title (optional)")