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🦀星洲辣子軟殼蟹 Soft Shell Crab with Singapore Chili Sauce NT$ 720+10% 精選軟殼蟹油炸至金黃色,酥香內軟,蟹香濃郁;辣子醬汁色澤亮紅,以辣椒、薑蓉、蒜蓉,調味拌入蛋液翻炒;附上切片軟法麵包,吸附酸甜醬汁,口感滑順,香氣迷人! 🐖金磚燒肉 Crispy Roast Pork Belly NT$ 980 +10% 粵式工夫菜,難以忘懷的金黃美味,燒肉表皮金黃香脆,脂肪滑嫩不膩口,瘦肉鮮嫩多汁,一口咬下,脆、香、嫩的多層次口感,美味無窮、經典難忘!🔸精選在地新鮮食材,由鍾安富主廚領軍原汁原味呈現蟬聯多年米其林餐盤推薦菜單,打造繽紛的粵菜饗宴。🔹位於本館二樓,由鍾安富主廚領軍打造繽紛的粵菜饗宴,以逾40年的粵菜深厚歷練帶領味坊團隊,原汁原味呈現蟬聯多年米其林餐盤推薦菜單,經典私房前菜、享譽國際的避風塘料理、傳統粵式煲仔系列、燉湯等,將粵菜的清、鮮、嫩、滑、爽、香、脆等特色表現的淋漓盡致,在味坊中餐廳俊逸雅致的用餐空間,讓您愜意品嘗粵式美饌。🔸共有146個座位,6個獨立包廂,分別為桐花廳、蘭花廳、荷花廳、茉莉廳、桂花廳、梅花廳。小吃區則是巧妙運用墜式薄紗,貼心考慮個人用餐的隱密性。🔹用餐時段午餐 11:30~14:00﹝最後點餐13:30﹞晚餐 17:30~21:00﹝最後點餐20:30﹞🔸自備酒水飲料等入席,需酌收酒水服務費。烈酒類每瓶NT$ 800紅酒類每瓶NT$ 300🔹以 上價格會依節慶及促銷活動而有變動,請依現場價格為主。
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Booked 7 times today
歡迎您使用漢來海港線上訂位/候位系統!!【母親節訂位須知】2025/3/1 開放訂位◎5/3(六)、5/4(日)晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為135分鐘;午餐、下午餐用餐時間正常供應。◎5/10(六)、5/11(日)午餐、晚餐時段分A、B兩場次,用餐時間為135分鐘;下午餐暫停供應。◆訂位需加收訂金,訂位完成後,會於5日內通知◆午餐 第一輪(A)11:15-13:30、第二輪(B)14:00-16:15◆晚餐 第一輪(A)17:00-19:15、第二輪(B)19:45-22:00◆ 餐價需另加10%服務費。◆ 晚烏優惠、壽星優惠、信用卡優惠、鋼友Smart券及各項優惠恕不適用。◆ 2025/5/10~5/11不適用來美食App優惠券。◆ 持餐券者可補差額使用。◆ 兒童收費標準:未滿3歲以下免費;3歲(含)以上、未滿6歲酌收150元清潔費;6歲(含)以上、未滿12歲半價;12歲(含)以上,依餐價表收費;兒童收費標準,請出示有效身分證明文件(健保卡)。【線上訂位需知】1.如遇線上訂位額滿,建議您〈現場候位〉,等候時間視當日現場狀況而定。2.當日需至現場櫃枱辦理報到,依序排隊入場,敬請見諒。3.因桌次有限,訂位後將依現場狀況排桌入席,恕無法指定座位。4.本餐廳最大座位數為8人桌,若訂位人數超過5人(含)需分桌。5.訂位人數為1人時將依現場狀況安排個人座位或併桌。6.如遇特殊節日(農曆春節、母親節...等),將視訂位狀況收取訂金,餐廳將有專人致電與您聯繫訂金事宜,謝謝!!7.開車前往用餐的來賓還請注意預留充足時間。【消費方式】1.本餐廳需另加收10%服務費。2.訂位保留10分鐘,逾時座位將取消不再另行通知。3.餐廳禁帶外食,敬請配合,謝謝!!4.請勿攜帶寵物入內(導盲犬除外,需事先告知),不便之處敬請見諒!
Booked 7 times today
Söt Cafe 浮島以悠閒自在的生活態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。浮島 - 我們創造品味藝術融合的木質圍建空間與氛圍結構,提供獨有特色的歐陸料理餐食與咖啡甜點。Söt = Sweet in swedish咖啡萃取分段呈現酸、甜、苦的味覺我們將最爲人接受的中段甜味精神放大融入北歐品味生活的態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。沒有人是一座孤島,當海水退去將發現島與島之間彼此脈絡的相互連結。我們將島嶼浮上,讓人與人之間的交錯網絡具體具象,彼此無私互助以成就志業。Casual Dining 餐廳我們沒有緊迫盯人的服務打擾每位客人的歡聚空間但我們會體貼盡能的滿足需求;我們沒有頂級珍饈而以良善食材搭配料理手法與盤飾設計希望每位光臨客人都能感受如回家般的自在。【營業時間】•週二至週日:10:00-20:00 (最後出餐19:00) —————————★早餐最晚訂位時間 11:15【公休日】•週一公休【注意事項】⚠️部分客席座位設置於二樓,若有上下樓梯行動不便的需求請來電洽詢。▲訂位系統僅接受30日內之六人訂位,如六人以上或特殊日期與活 動請來電洽詢。▲訂位保留10分鐘,逾時視同取消,需現場重新候位。▲用餐時間滿座時兩小時,如無人候位用餐時間不受此限制。▲依現場人員安排入席,恕無法指定座位。▲歡迎攜帶寵物入店不落地,需置放於寵物提籠或推車。▲現場禁止商業與任何影響其他客人之拍攝行為。▲因不可抗拒之因素或意外,店家將保留取消或更改預約之權利。
Booked 6 times today
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
Booked 37 times today
2025 Year Price & Time Breakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1380+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per person●Special holidays in 2025 are as follows:New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival (1/25-2/2), Valentine's Day(2/14-16), peace remembrance day(2/28-3/2),Tomb Sweeping Day& Children's Day (4/3-4/6),Mother's Day (5/10-5/111), Dragon Boat Festival (5/30-6/1), Father's Day (8/8-10),Chinese Valentine's Day(8/29-31), Moon Festival (10/4-10/6), National Day (10/10-10/12), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Day(12/30- 2026/1/1)💡The reserved seat will be reserved for 10 minutes. If it exceeds the time limit, the reservation will be canceled without further notice.💡Please include the number of children in your reservation to ensure dining comfort.💡Children under 100cm in height are free of charge; children over 100cm in height but less than 130cm in height are charged half price for the meal period.💡Online reservations are not available for designated table numbers and private rooms. Please contact the restaurant service staff to make reservations.💡If the same group makes online reservations with different names, we will not be able to provide table sharing requests.💡Meal prices and business hours for consecutive national holidays and special festivals are subject to on-site announcements.💡The service fee for bringing your own wine is NT500 per bottle of wine and NT1,000 per bottle of spirits.💡Discounts cannot be combined.💡If you use a meal coupon, please follow the instructions on the coupon for usage rules and meal prices.💡Special festivals, national holidays and private rooms are not applicable to cooperative credit card discounts and meal coupons2024 Year Price & TimeBreakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1280+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per person●Special holidays in 2024 are as follows:New Year's Day holiday (2024/1/1), Chinese New Year period (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Qingming Festival holiday period (4/4-4/7), Labor Day ( 5/1), Mother’s Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10), Father’s Day (8/8), Chinese Valentine’s Day (8/10), Mid-Autumn Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas period (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Eve (12/31)
££££Price: Moderate
• Barbecue • Linkou District
Booked 2 times today
Booked 2 times today
*營業時間 (週一至週日,無公休)⏰午間餐期 11:30-14:00(最後收客時間 14:00)⏰晚間餐期 17:00-21:00(最後收客時間 21:00)=============*訂位須知一) 訂位保留10分鐘:訂位將為您保留10分鐘,超過時間則取消訂位,由現場候位客人候補座位。二)無法臨時更改人數 ,新增座位:因座位有限,不提供臨時增加人數,或增加椅子等服務。如要更動用餐人數,可於當日用餐前提早撥打現場訂位專線,確認位置是否可以新增或調整。三)若線上訂位額滿,可用電話訂位:系統提供30天內的訂位,若無法選擇想要的時段,代表『線上訂位』的名額已達上限,您可以撥打現場訂位專線,確認現場有無座位釋出。四)多人數訂位:您可於營業時間直接撥打現場訂位專線,03-3530777,將有專人為您提供客製化服務。=============✔️附有特約停車場與燦坤一起,用餐免費停車2小時。假日若特約停車場客滿需另外找付費停車場。✔️生日提前三天於官方LINE預約成功,生日當天消費任一套餐即可享限量和牛乙份(一份套餐限兌換一份生日禮)。