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親愛的顧客您好,感謝您選擇 ”尼法餐廳”用餐,當日訂位請直接來電06-2365880!!沒有支付訂金等同於沒有訂位成功!!!!匯完訂金請回傳明細或回電告知後五碼才算訂位完成!!!!飲食禁忌請於用餐3日前告知!!!!訂位請務必準時出席,逾時不候。 若您遲到,餐點將會直接上桌!!!本季菜單有商業午餐/六品長套餐/Tasting Menu菜單部分請選取下方用餐時段即可出現***需72小時前預訂主餐為**威靈頓牛排-威靈頓牛排為一整顆約13oz,單人威靈頓為單人套餐,一人獨享13oz,雙人威靈頓為雙人分享套餐,一人約享用6.5oz,其餘餐點皆為兩份**火焰甜點桌邊表演均附冰淇淋(限晚餐時段供應)**波斯頓活龍蝦 需提早3天預定 為時價主廚盡量以在地季節食材提供即時更換的法餐創作菜餚,由於食材是自然產物隨時更換恕不提供完整菜單本餐廳因人力因素目前不提供任何種類的"素食套餐"不便之處敬請見諒!!==訂位須知==*進行網路預訂以及電話預訂時並請預點好您的主菜並告知,如未能告知將以固定菜單出餐,如有不便敬請見諒*預定威靈頓牛排 波斯頓龍蝦需於用餐前72小時預定完成*本餐廳網路訂位系統僅提供48個小時後到30天內4位(含)以下的訂位,5位(含)以上人數訂位及特殊活動、包場請於上午10:10-11:50、下午15:00-17:50來電06-2365880訂位;由於沒有專人隨時接聽電話,如有漏接或忙線中而無法同一時間接聽其他來電讓您等候敬請見諒。*客席皆為平面桌位,系統自動排桌恕無法指定座位。若有年長者或特殊座位要求,歡迎來電。*本店收取套餐價格外每人100元的水資,無限量提供氣泡水以及礦泉水,用以現場佐餐*所有食材都是根據當天預定人數採購及準備, 為避免造成浪費及提供賓客完美的用餐體驗,請於用餐前4日於訂位資料備註欄中註明是否有任何食物過敏或不能食用及忌口的食材或來電告知,少於4日或當日告知請恕無法做食材的調整。*凡預訂午餐時段的位置,為求訂位保留及確認,將收取每人$1000元訂金,晚餐時段則每人$1500訂金,依此類推。1人訂位則固定收取$2000元訂金。*餐廳空間有限,如需要增加人數,請提早來電;則將以現場狀況以及訂位資料為優先。*為顧及其他貴賓用餐體驗,恕不接待12歲以下兒童及嬰兒、寵物;另外餐廳不提供兒童椅、兒童餐具。*訂位保留時間為15分鐘,未提前告知逾時或是未到,將優先給予現場等候之客人,並不退還訂金。==訂金退款相關事宜==請留意,若您因故必須取消您的訂位,餐廳將酌收部分食材準備費用*於訂位時間48小時以前取消將全額退款,48小時以內取消將不退還訂金*有預點預訂餐點並於訂位時間48小時以前取消將全額退款,48小時以內取消將不退還訂金*給予訂金後欲減少訂位人數,在訂位時間48小時以前告知將不影響訂金,如到場後告知,因為已經準備新鮮食材,午餐期間將酌收每位800元新台幣,晚餐期間將酌收每位1500元新台幣。==消費方式==*中午每個位置低消為一套午餐限定套餐,晚間每個位置低消為一套套餐。(酒水費用另計,不包含於低消中)*餐廳現場目前僅接受現金交易或手機轉帳,尚未提供行動支付或刷卡,不便之處敬請見諒。==自備酒水注意事項==*本店僅收取洗杯費用以及醒酒器費用,每一個乾淨的空酒杯200元,使用一次醒酒器500元,不另外收取開瓶費用。不提供侍酒服務。 為了提供貴賓完美的用餐體驗與品質、尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,故本餐廳制定上述說明,謝謝您的體諒與配合。
## ? 樂情邀請你來用餐? 歡迎線上訂位。為維護大家的用餐品質及安全,樂雅樂餐廳打造安心的用餐環境:✅本店備有酒精供顧客使用✅本店三番、餐桌、餐具定時清潔✅用餐時間限1.5小時#### -#### 看更多資訊?? []( -
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The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.
Booked 1 time today
我們提供的餐點型態以 主餐為各類肉品排餐為主,再搭配季節食材的前菜/湯品,是一整份的套餐。雖然一樓門市有提供肉品海鮮食材的採購方案,但不提供食材購買後的代烹調服務。詳細資訊歡迎洽詢 FB粉絲團『良物肉舖子』>> 訂位須知:*本餐廳僅接受預約用餐,食材皆以當天預定人數進行準備材料,以此避免不必要的食材浪費與耗損。每位入席者皆須點餐。*完成訂位確認後,然後請主動私訊我們索取貴賓的 ,透過您再分享給出席來賓點餐。@@ 請訂位人務必加入我們的 FB粉絲團『良物肉舖子』或 『Line官方帳號』討論餐點的安排。*完成訂位確認後,我們也會主動聯絡您。* 本餐廳不提供素食,如果是蔬食餐點可以提早討論為您準備。*請於點餐資訊中標註是否有任何食物過敏(包含酒精類)或不能食用之食材,恕當日無法於食材及餐點上調整。*兒童餐點可提出需求,我們再提供 兒童點餐菜單連結。幼兒入場不點餐也會酌收清潔費用$250/人。>> 用餐時段:@午餐入席時段:12:00-13:00 / 用餐時間到 14:30@晚餐入席時段:18:00-19:30 / 用餐時間到 21:30* 每人最低消費為一人份餐點+水資+服務費。(包含兒童)>> 獨立空間包場:*二樓空間(拼桌)或三樓空間(大桌),可來電06-2095898洽詢或 私訊 FB粉絲團『良物肉舖子』或 『Line官方帳號』。>> 餐廳規定:* 本餐廳食材及料理需耗時準備,為免影響您的用餐品質,懇請您請務必準時入席。* 餐室空間有限,恕無法現場臨時加位。* 本餐廳有權調整 / 更換菜單。* 因不可抗拒之因素或意外,本餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。* 用餐期間如兒童過於喧鬧,工作人員會適時勸止,敬請見諒。* 本店全面禁菸,電子菸亦屬於禁菸範圍之內。* 本餐廳禁用外食/外帶飲料。* 如有寄酒/寄物等需求,請務必來電聯繫及確認,若無聯繫或未通知者,本餐廳保有拒絕的權利。* 本餐廳保有最終解釋權力>> 訂金規定:* 我們會與訂位人討論。
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
訂位前,請務必詳閱以下內容。如確認訂位,視同您了解並同意本餐廳相關規定,感謝您的耐心與體諒。【營業時間】週一、週四、週五、週六、週日晚餐營業時間:18:00-22:00 最後入席時間:19:30若超過最後入席時間,視同取消訂位,無法退還訂金,敬請見諒。每週二、週三為固定店休日,如遇特別休假日將於社群網站另行公告。若超過營業時間離席,每半小時酌收NT$1000/人加時費用。【訂位須知】●訂位僅接受Inline系統訂位,恕不接受經由社群網站私訊或來電洽詢。●包場請由社群網站私訊或電話訂位,低消含服務費$35000,不含酒水。●訂位需預付訂金NT$1000/人。完成線上訂位後,我們將於當日內傳送手機簡訊提供您訂金匯款資料。逾期未完成訂金匯款者,將無法為您保留訂位,請您務必留意。●候補訂位成功將傳送訂金匯款簡訊至您的手機,確認完成匯款即完成訂位;若未候補成功則不另行通知。●如需更改調整訂位內容,可由社群網站私訊或來電提前與我們聯繫。●若有訂位異動敬請於三日前告知(假設9/8訂位最晚須於9/5取消),如未於三日前取消或更動訂位,恕無法退還訂金。●當日訂位保留10分鐘。若您未能準時抵達,請提早來電告知我們。●同桌餐點將待賓客人數到齊後統一開餐,若需提前出餐,晚抵達者將無法提供已供應完之餐點,為確保品質亦無法打包。因餐點皆已備妥,同行者於用餐當日遲抵達,將收取全額餐費;缺席者收取全額訂金,還請留意。●恕不提供現場加位服務。已完成訂位後若需更改訂位人數,請於用餐日三天前由社群網站私訊或來電告知。 【菜單】●每人低消為一套晚間套餐。●訂位時請於備註提供食材過敏及飲食禁忌。若已訂位完成需另增加備註,最晚於用餐日前一天,可於社群網站私訊或主動來電告知,當日恕無法做任何食材更動。●可提供蛋奶素套餐,請於用餐日前三天預定。●為確保餐點品質,無提供打包及外帶服務。●餐廳保留菜單食材更動之權利。【注意事項】●為維護用餐品質及其他顧客用餐權益,僅接受國小以上兒童。請於備註告知需準備完整晚餐菜單或兒童菜單(含麵包、兩道前菜、主餐、甜點),若無主動告知將提供完整晚間套餐。包場不在此限。●自帶酒水收酒杯清潔費NT$120/個。●建議保留用餐時間約2.5-3小時。●可自備慶生蛋糕,禁帶其他外食。●恕不接受任何活動布置。●除導盲犬外,恕不接待寵物。●如用餐過程,人為損壞餐廳器皿或環境,恕需照價賠償。●因不可抗因素或意外,餐廳保留取消或更改預約之權力。L’HERBE保有更新與維護以上須知之最終權益,若有相關問題,歡迎私訊或來電洽詢,謝謝您。
Welcome to The Render.fusion Dining Bar (The Render 福醺湯包 X 餐酒館). Please read the following information before booking with us. This will help us provide the most suitable service. Your understanding is deeply appreciated.Dining Period:According to the date announced in the previous month, the business hours are 18:30pm-24:00am.Consumption method:Tasting Menu NT$ 1280 / per personas minimum spend (Alcohol and non-drinks are not included).Payment: Cash Only.Reservation: Online reservation system is only available for 4 customers or below. If you have more than 4 people, please message us through FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM to make reservations.Dining Notes:1. Meal adjustments are made only for ingredient allergies or religious beliefs and will be noted in the comments section or communicated proactively at the time of reservation.2. Meals are served according to the day's supply.3. ONlY under "private event" conditions, customer could accommodate up to 2 children (10 yrs old below).Children under 10 years old are not allowed to dine during regular meal periods;Children over 11 years old will be treated as adults, and the minimum spend is one set of meal.4.No outside food & beverages are allowed.5. No outside food is allowed in the store except for celebration cakes.We will charge a cleaning fee of NT$3,000 for any environmental mess.6. No smoking and no pets in restaurants (except for guide dogs).7.We DO NOT offer take away service.You will receive a reminder on the day of the reservation is made and confirmation message will be received when full amount dining fee is transferred.Please remit the dining fee to CTBC BANK (822) 0905-4025-0016 within one day after receiving the message.Please do provide the last five numbers of the remittance account for reconciliation.***Please do note that late payment will be considered as giving up the reservation, and we will release the seat to public.**Please message or email us if you have any remittance query.Cancellations or any adjustment must be made at least four days prior to the date of the reservation, no refunds or changes will be given after that date.The Render. fusion Dinning Bar reserves the rights of updating and final explanations.
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.