Scirocco is a well-known restaurant that is located in the Tokyo neighborhood of Nihonbashi. This trendy restaurant offers an eclectic menu of Spanish, Italian, and traditional Southern-style dishes. Menu items include deep fried olives, pickled green chili and anchovy, fried eggplant and ricotta cheese salad, deep fried squid, spicy cajun French fries and rigatoni braised beef cheek meat Naples style. Scirocco also offers guests an impressive bar menu, which includes wine and cocktails.
Scirocco is a contemporary space that is decorated with wall-to-wall windows, elegant lighting, a large wooden bar, beautifully framed artwork and gorgeous hardwood floors.
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Sat 11:00–23:00
Sun 11:00–22:00
Mon–Fri 11:00–14:30
Mon–Fri 16:30–23:00
There may be exceptions to the above schedule. Ensure you use the search to confirm availability.