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Restaurant reservation software
Restaurant marketing solutions
Restaurant table management
Reputation and reviews
Relationship management
OpenTable integrations
Why OpenTable
For restaurants
For restaurant groups
For pubs and bars
For hotels and casinos
Robust reporting and insights
The largest diner network
The best customer service
Industry insights
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Restaurant stories
Industry expertise
Stay in-the-know with industry intel that keeps you informed about what matters most.
Smooth shifts are nirvana, so manage yours with ease and expertise.
Your seats will thank you—get helpful resources to attract new diners and reach the regulars you’ve been missing.
Service is your bread and butter—build strong guest relationships at every touch and turn.
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See all solutions
Restaurant reservation software
Restaurant marketing solutions
Restaurant table management
Reputation and reviews
Relationship management
OpenTable integrations
Why OpenTable
For restaurants
For restaurant groups
For pubs and bars
For hotels and casinos
Robust reporting and insights
The largest diner network
The best customer service
Industry insights
View all industry insights
Restaurant stories
Industry expertise
Stay in-the-know with industry intel that keeps you informed about what matters most.
Smooth shifts are nirvana, so manage yours with ease and expertise.
Your seats will thank you—get helpful resources to attract new diners and reach the regulars you’ve been missing.
Service is your bread and butter—build strong guest relationships at every touch and turn.
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Industry expertise
Stay in-the-know with industry intel that keeps you informed about what matters most.
Industry expertise
How to make bottomless brunch work for your restaurant
Industry expertise
The complete guide to outdoor dining for restaurants in the UK
Industry expertise
Hospitality trends restaurants should know in 2025
Industry expertise
What to wear to a restaurant job interview and how to prepare
Industry expertise
How to hire the best staff for your restaurant
Industry expertise
Mother’s Day restaurant ideas that go beyond the brunch
Industry expertise
7 painless ways restaurants can stay up to date with new technology trends
Industry expertise
Wellness tourism 101: An overview of the trend and how to attract this crowd to your restaurant
Industry expertise
6 Valentine’s Day tips to get the most from this year
Industry expertise
Rare Restaurants on using OpenTable to its full capacity
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