旺盛苑和牛燒肉-中山店 台北市中山區中山北路二段183巷4-3號 02-25995108 WSY Wagyu Yakiniku No. 4-3, Ln. 183, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan 營業時間 週一至週日 晚餐18 : 00 – 23:00 (最後點餐22 : 00) Opening hours Mon to SUN 18 : 00 - 23 : 00 (last order at 22 : 00)
預約注意事項 Reservation policy *本店座位安排皆以吧台為主,如需桌子訂位請電話訂位!! 我們接受電話或網站線上預訂,超過六人訂位並需要支付訂金10000元整,為確保其它客人用餐權益及避免食材浪費,若需要取消或更改訂位,請於您訂位時間前3天告知餐廳,我們將會退還您的訂金。3天內取消會收取50%訂金,若於訂位當日取消者,餐廳將不會退還您的訂金以作為食材準備費。 We accept reservation via phone or online booking system, 10000 NT dollars deposit of the dining fee will be held. Please inform restaurant if your reservation has been changed or canceled 3 days before. If you cancel in 3 days, we will charge 50% of deposit. Kindly note that the deposit will not be returned if cancellation is made in the reserved day. 匯款資訊 Remittance information 中國信託-富錦分行(銀行代號:822) 134-540092499 戶名:蓮月圓有限公司
匯款完成後,請來電告知帳號後五碼及匯款時間以利查帳。 酒水服務開瓶費 Corkage policy 自備酒類開瓶服務費葡萄酒每瓶( 750ml )500元,烈酒類每瓶( 750ml ) 1000 元。 Restaurant corkage policy is NT$ 500 per bottle wine( 750 ml ). NT$ 1000 per bottle spirits( 750 ml ). 飲食習慣及限制 Special dietary 若您本身有任何飲食禁忌限制,請於訂位時事先告知餐廳。 Should you have any special dietary, please inform restaurant when you make reservation.